The Political Philosophy of Confucianism

Over at Gornahoor, I’ve made a rough translation of a short essay by Okawa Shumei, which you may find here: The Political Philosophy of Confucianism

Okawa never read René Guénon and had no connections to him, but as with my earlier Gornahoor posts, things will make a lot more sense if you have read Guénon.

Posted: February 28th, 2013 | Kokoro, Tradition 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “The Political Philosophy of Confucianism”

  1. 1 cheeky kunt said at 12:24 am on March 4th, 2013:

    gornahoor got suspended dammit

  2. 2 Avery said at 2:53 am on March 4th, 2013:

    It seems his WordPress account had some sort of glitch.

  3. 3 cheeky kunt said at 4:34 am on March 4th, 2013:

    Good to know